Our Degree Options

  • Undergraduate
    The School of Management's undergraduate degree programs prepare students for eventual managerial roles in businesses and nonprofits. Our curriculum emphasizes a broad exposure to quantitative reasoning, social sciences and soft skills, and a general management education required to compete in today's global market.
  • MBA
    Chart a new path and challenge yourself to achieve your fullest potential, all while positively impacting the world and being rewarded financially with an MBA from the UB School of Management. In-person and online programs available.
  • Master of Science
    The School of Management’s Master of Science programs offer in-depth study in a range of areas. Students obtain a focused graduate-level education to put them on the fast track to leadership positions in their desired management field.
  • Online Programs
    Maintain balance in your career, life and education as you access a world-class business education that’s convenient and affordable. MBA and Master of Science programs available.
  • PhD in Management
    Built on a foundation of excellence, the Management PhD program will provide the training, education and skills you need to launch a successful academic career. Choose from six majors: accounting, finance, management science and systems, marketing, operations management and strategy, or organization and human resources.