Interns collaborating with their supervisors in a team setting. Photographer: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki.

Interns collaborating with their supervisors in a team setting.

Internships provide real-world learning at its best - creating an ideal platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between students and employers.

The Internships and Experiential Learning team serves School of Management students as well as employers across industries interested in collaborative learning opportunities. Internships can occur in fall, spring or summer semesters and must include a focused project with guided learning objectives.

  • Students
    Our staff assists students with the internship search, interview strategies, résumé and cover letter critiques, networking resources, academic credit registration, work authorization for international students and more.
  • Employers
    Our office assists employers with the development of internship descriptions and programs; mentor training; online posting and promotion of internship opportunities; on-campus events including recruiting, information sessions and panel discussions; and guidance regarding international students.