Information in these videos may have changed since the original recording. Contact an admissions representative at with any questions.
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Date: January 18, 2022
Can UB’s MS in Finance program help you attain your career goals? In Part 2 of our series, current graduate students Archana Mohan, MS ’22, and Vishal Subramaniam, MS ’22, discuss:
Audience: MS in Finance prospective students
Date: January 13, 2022
Part 1: Are you considering the UB MBA? Learn what our program is like through an unedited conversation with first- and second-year MBA student ambassadors. Hear about their MBA experiences in an interactive question and answer session. Part 1 focuses on why students chose UB, the UB MBA community and its culture. Bonus topics include living options, favorite places to socialize and recommendations of where to eat in Buffalo.
Meet current MBA students Catherine Scrivo Baker, MBA '23, Sivarama Mandapati, MBA '23, Tyler Penberthy, MBA ’22, Himani Priya, MBA ’22, and Matthew Taboni, JD/MBA '25.
Audience: Prospective MBA students
Date: January 13, 2022
Part 2: Are you considering the UB MBA? Learn what our program is like through an unedited conversation with first- and second-year MBA student ambassadors. Hear about their MBA experiences in an interactive question and answer session. Part 2 focuses on students’ thoughts on the curriculum; the time they dedicate to studying and coursework; opportunities for experiential activities and clubs; and how the Career Resource Center assists with career exploration, internships and employment opportunities.
Meet current MBA students Catherine Scrivo Baker, MBA '23, Sivarama Mandapati, MBA ’23, Tyler Penberthy, MBA ’22, Himani Priya, MBA ’22, and Matthew Taboni, JD/MBA '25.
Audience: Prospective MBA students
Date: January 13, 2022
Part 3: Are you considering the UB MBA? Learn what our program is like through an unedited conversation with first- and second-year MBA student ambassadors. Hear about their MBA experiences in an interactive question and answer session. Part 3 dives into “the fun stuff.” Students talk about what makes them unique members of the UB MBA program, what they do to relax, what they love about Buffalo, what they will miss most about UB and much more.
Meet current MBA students Catherine Scrivo Baker, MBA '23, Sivarama Mandapati, MBA ’23, Tyler Penberthy, MBA ’22, Himani Priya, MBA ’22, and Matthew Taboni, JD/MBA '25.
Audience: Prospective MBA students
Date: December 8, 2021
An informative video for prospective and current UB undergraduate students who are considering an accelerated 4+1 program to earn both a BS and MS or MBA in just five years. Learn more about the program’s benefits, including reduced costs, incentives to meet academic progress and GPA goals, STEM designation for international students for some 4+1 programs, and more. You will also get an in-depth look at program options, qualifications, profiles of incoming classes, advisement options, action learning opportunities, etc.
Audience: Current and prospective undergraduate students
Date: December 7, 2021
Learn more about how you can afford the UB MBA program with scholarships, fellowships, assistantships and other ways to fund your MBA. Hosts Aaron Shaw, assistant director of recruitment, and Meghan Wood, director of admissions, are joined by recent alumni who share first-hand experiences of how funding impacted their careers and they offer advice to prospective students: Anthony Falvo, MBA ’18, senior analyst of international alliances, United Airlines; Kate Jarvis, MBA ’20, executive associate for HR strategy and analytics, M&T Bank; and Dr. Roli Nath, MBA ’21, senior specialist, KPMG.
Audience: Prospective MBA, undergraduate and graduate students, parents