Mastering Your Financial Reports Program

Put your finger on the financial pulse of your business.

Become better equipped with the knowledge you need to lead your business to financial success and long-term stability with the Mastering Your Financial Reports program.

During this seven-week course, you will gain the tools needed to:

  • Create a basic and easy-to-use financial report template
  • Set up effective monthly financial report meetings with your team
  • Increase confidence about understanding your financial reports to the point that you look forward to reviewing them
  • Make better-informed decisions on capital purchases and the use of other company resources

You should apply if you are a business owner or strategic decision-maker seeking a deeper understanding of financial reports.

Where and When

3-5 p.m. on Tuesdays, April 9 - May 21, 2024 
UB Downtown Gateway, Suite 201

Program Fee


Learn More

To learn more, contact the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership at or 716-885-5715.