Jennifer Flagg

Center for Supply Chain Analytics


MBA, School of Management, University at Buffalo
BS, School of Management, University at Buffalo


Flagg is a strategic leader in workforce development, technology transfer and economic development. She has led grant-funded research, development and service initiatives in workforce training, technology commercialization and environmental stewardship. Previously, Flagg held leadership roles at the UB Center for Industrial Effectiveness, the Buffalo Niagara River Land Trust, the Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer, and AZtech. With a strong background in program development and strategic collaboration, she is committed to bridging industry and education to create lasting economic and social impact.


J Lane, M Lockett, V Stone, J Leahy, J Flagg. (2019). Outcomes from NIDILRR-sponsored technology development projects: Lessons drawn from a longitudinal study of forty cases. Assistive Technology 31 (5), 237-237

JL Flagg, CP Phillips. (2017). Maximizing the Benefits of Evolving Assistive Technology Solutions. Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits 11 (1), VIII-X

JL Flagg, MM Lockett, J Condron, JP Lane. (2015). Tools for Analysis in Assistive Technology Research, Development, and Production. Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits (ATOB) 9 (1)

JL Flagg, JP Lane, MM Lockett. (2013). Need to Knowledge (NtK) Model: an evidence-based framework for generating technological innovations with socio-economic impacts Implementation Science 8, 1-10

JP Lane, JL Flagg. (2010). Translating three states of knowledge–discovery, invention, and innovation. Implementation Science 5, 1-14

SM Bauer, JL Flagg. (2010). Technology Transfer and Technology Transfer Intermediaries. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits 6 (1), 129-150


Flagg has written and co-written many successful federal, state and local grant proposals, receiving millions across multiple awards from the Offshore Wind Training Institute, Empire State Development, Micron Foundation, the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, and the National Institutes of Health. She welcomes opportunities for collaboration on new proposals.

Awards and Recognition

  • Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
  • Leadership Award, Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Society of North America
  • Science Communication/Knowledge Translation Award, National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers