Our team will help you understand your degree program, requirements, policies, and direct you to the resources and tools you need to achieve academic success.
Deidre Marriner
Assistant Dean and Director, Undergraduate Programs and Student Services
Morgan Michalski
Academic Advising Assistant
Danielle Tomczak
Academic Advising Assistant
You are assigned to an academic advisor in the School of Management based on the first letter of your last name. Student service hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to Noon, 1 to 4:30 p.m.
Megan Bragdon
Assistant Director of Academic Advising
Caseload: All ITM majors
Jessica Farley
Assistant Director of Academic Advising
Caseload: D, G
Jason Gilbert
Academic Advisor and Enrollment Management Specialist
Caseload: J, S
Hayley Loucks
Academic Advisor and Enrollment Management Specialist
Caseload: C, O
Craig Mathis
Academic Advisor
Caseload: M, P
Mary Ann McQuade
Senior Academic Advisor
Caseload: L, R, U, V
Dan Teichman
Academic Advisor
Caseload: B, E, H, I, Q
Bethany Thompson
Academic Advisor
Caseload: A, F, N, W
Emilee Yormick-DeNillo
Academic Advisor
Caseload: K, T, X, Y, Z
The Undergraduate Academic Programs Office provides academic advisement to admitted accounting, business administration, and information technology and management majors in 204 Alfiero Center.
Individual Appointments
This format is most appropriate if you want to discuss long-range course planning or if you're experiencing academic difficulties or concerns which are best addressed in a one-on-one meeting with your advisor. Individual appointments are attended in-person or via Zoom based on your preference and advisor availability. All appointments are 30 minutes. To schedule your appointment, call 716-645-3206, stop in 204 Alfiero or use the online scheduling system.
Group Advising
First-year students must attend a mandatory group advising session before scheduling an individual course planning appointment in their first semester. This session is an extension of orientation and is meant to prepare you for your first-semester experiences and next-semester registration. You will meet with other first-year students in the management majors and become familiar with requirements, university policies, and receive a personalized curricular plan. You may also sign up to attend special topic sessions in this format such as our Pathway Workshops or Rising Junior groups.
Undergraduate Programs Office
School of Management
University at Buffalo
204 Alfiero Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4010
Tel: 716-645-3206
Fax: 716-645-2341
Student Service Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.
Summer and winter sessions:
9 a.m. – noon, 1 – 4 p.m