Kate Bezrukova, Chair and Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resources
Who has joined which chat and with what implications?
This session will focus on the application of artificial intelligence in a wide range of industries and teams. We will discuss what kind of jobs will be eliminated, augmented, or altered in some way by AI. We will also talk about how not to lose your job to AI by leveraging your skill set to protect yourself from computerization or automation. In this webinar, Kate Bezrukova, chair and associate professor of organization and human resources in the University at Buffalo School of Management will share recent findings from her research and other scholarly work on how to support AI adoption in teams, where AI outperforms humans, and how people use AI. Specific applications will include the issues related to human – AI interactions and negotiations including procurement decisions.
Kate Bezrukova is an expert in group and team behavior on such topics as group composition, conflict management and negotiation, decision-making processes, performance and health. She quantifies human behavior to predict team chemistry and performance, and advises people how to survive and excel when they are in the minority in organizations. Her research has been published in Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology, and she has been featured in top media outlets, including PBS News Hour, ESPN the Magazine, and The Atlantic.