Aditya Vedantam, Assistant Professor of Operations Management and Strategy
Learn to formulate effective business and supply chain strategies that lead to an actionable, proactive agenda for sustainability that will ensure profitability as well as social and environmental responsibility.
We will focus on the environmental impact of the extended supply chain that includes suppliers, third party service providers and consumers, and take a cradle-to-cradle approach that includes product design, raw material sourcing, manufacture, transportation and storage, consumer use and eventual disposal and recycling. Concepts will be illustrated with real world examples, with insights from scholarly research and case studies.
Aditya Vedantam is assistant professor of operations management and strategy. He holds a doctorate in management from Purdue University and a master’s in engineering from the University of Michigan. His research focuses on sustainable and socially relevant operations with emphasis on clean energy technology development, recycling and reuse in supply chains.