Career Preparation

Start today. Succeed tomorrow.

Understand the skills and tools you need to succeed in the job search and the workplace.

Prepare your career tools (résumé, cover letter, practice interview) for the job search process. Build your soft and technical skills to succeed in the interview and be selected for the job.

  • Career Tools
    Access tools to help you plan and manage your career, including résumé, cover letter, interviewing, networking and job search tools.
  • CRC Programs
    Find out about upcoming student programs including speakers, events and workshops.
  • Practice Interview Program
    Find out about our award-winning interview program, schedule a practice interview or become a volunteer practice interviewer.
  • Job Market and Research Tools
    Get linked to information on industries, companies and functional areas of business.
  • International Career Tools
    Useful links for foreign-national students.
  • CRC Services
    See all the services offered by the CRC, including career advising, résumé and cover letter critique service and various workshops.
  • An Edge for Undergraduates
    As an undergraduate student in the UB School of Management, you have a unique advantage when it comes to career preparation.