Curriculum (Internal Audit and Risk Management Track)

Prepare for a career in compliance and risk mitigation in fast-growing industries such as technology, health care and finance.

Curriculum Planner

Core Curriculum (15 Credits)

Required courses (12 credits)

  • MGA 612 Taxation of Buisness Entities (3 credits)
  • MGA 614 Advanced Auditing (3 credits)
  • MGA 623 Introduction to Professional Tax Research (1.5 credits)
  • MGA 624 Research in Accounting and Auditing Standards (1.5 credits)
  • MGA 621 Data Analytics for Accountants (3 credits)

Choose one course below (3 credits)

  • MGA 617 Advanced Topics in Management Accounting and Control (3 credits)
  • MGA 618 Current Issues in Financial Reporting (3 credits)

Internal Audit and Risk Management Track (15 credits)

*Only one internship applied towards degree
  • MGA 640 Principles and Practice of Internal Auditing (3 credits)
  • MGA 643 Fraud Examination and Forensic Investigation (3 credits)
  • MGA 641 Advanced Topics in Internal Audit (3 credits)
  • MGA 642 Information Technology Audit (3 credits)
  • MGX XXX Business Elective OR Internship*


15 core credits + 15 elective credits = 30 credits required for degree

Contact Us

150 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel:  716-645-3204
Contact Admissions

Student Services

203 Alfiero Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel:  716-645-3200

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