A message from the chair

Feng Gu portrait in Alfiero Center.

Greetings from the School of Management Department of Accounting and Law.

Our 2022-23 academic year just concluded on a high note: For the second consecutive year, 100% of graduates with employment eligibility from the MS in Accounting Class of 2023 accepted job offers before commencement. We owe this success to you, our dedicated alumni and friends — and particularly our visionary Accounting Advisory Council. Thank you for your continued support. Our success in philanthropy, student placement and overall program quality would not be possible without your insights and generosity.

This fall we will welcome more than 70 new MS Accounting students to the school, with the vast majority coming from our 2023 undergraduate class. Recently, more than 80% of our graduating seniors have enrolled in the MS program, a trend highlighting the program’s popularity among our undergrads. I would like to personally thank my colleague Rose Hu, clinical assistant professor and faculty director of our MS program, for guiding students to enroll and successfully complete program requirements.

Many alumni and Accounting Advisory Council members have also played important roles in promoting the MS program by encouraging undergraduates to set a strong foundation for future success by continuing their education. We thank you for your support and believe the pipeline building efforts are mutually beneficial.

In May we hosted our award banquet, where we gathered in-person for the first time since the pandemic. Our new dean, Ananth Iyer, delivered opening remarks and it was truly wonderful to see many of you there. Throughout the evening we celebrated program success and shared stories of our students, alumni, and faculty — several of which you’ll read about in this newsletter

Thank you again for your generous support. Have a happy and relaxing summer.

Feng Gu
Professor and Chair
Accounting and Law Department
University at Buffalo School of Management