A message from the chair

Feng Gu portrait in Alfiero Center.

Dear alumni and friends:

We are closing 2023 on a high note. The achievements of our students and programs this year are numerous and worth celebrating. For two years in a row, 100% of our MS Accounting students with employment eligibility accepted job offers upon graduation. Our Beta Alpha Psi chapter, the honor organization for financial information students and professionals, received international recognition as a Superior Chapter for its excellence in the areas of academics, professionalism and leadership. We also successfully nominated one of our MS Accounting students for the highly prestigious Financial Accounting Standards Board postgraduate technical assistant program.

Our school recently started a comprehensive strategic planning initiative for all academic programs. Under the leadership of Dean Iyer, we have identified the pillars that will focus our strategies going forward: transformative education, thought leadership, engaging for impact and competing as a business school. The Department of Accounting and Law has participated in this strategic planning, and we believe our students, faculty and programs are strongly positioned to contribute to all four areas of our school’s strategic initiatives. Our academic programs have trained a large number of accounting graduates, many of whom are leaders in their professions in Western New York, New York City and beyond.

The robust and ongoing support of our alumni is a strong testament to how much our alumni value the educational experiences they received in our programs. Engaging for wide impact is in the DNA of our programs and is reflected in the interactions with our alumni, recruiters and business community. Our research faculty include nationally and internationally renowned thought leaders in financial reporting, and our program has successfully achieved AACSB accounting accreditation and earned the respect of recruiters and peer schools.   

As we reflect on this year, I’d like to thank our alumni and friends for supporting our endeavors. Many of you generously support us financially and with your time and talent. Your generosity has greatly enhanced our ability to provide students with transformative educational experiences, and this relationship is our greatest strength. We take great pride in ensuring the resources contributed by you have benefited our students and programs. Thank you, again, and happy holidays to you and your family.

Feng Gu
Professor and Chair
Accounting and Law Department
University at Buffalo School of Management