G. Lawrence Sanders

Professor Emeritus
Management Science and Systems


PhD, Texas Tech University
MBA, University of Montana
BA, University of Montana


G. Lawrence Sanders has served as the department chair and the chair of the PhD program. He played a leadership role in developing the Bachelor of Science degree in information technology and management, launched in 2019.

Sanders is an associate editor for Decision Support Systems and is currently a co-PI on a $2.39 million grant from the National Science Foundation to train future cybersecurity experts. His current research interests include psychological profiling of hacking behavior, privacy and security, business continuity, blockchain economics, game design, game addiction and the role of gamification in social networking.

His papers have appeared in various outlets, including Decision Support Systems, The Journal of Business, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, the Journal of Management Systems, Decision Sciences, and Communications of the ACM.  In 2007, he was the recipient of the Provost’s Exceptional Scholars Sustained Achievement Award.


Xunyi Wang, Mohamed Abdelhamid, G. Lawrence Sanders, “Exploring the effects of psychological ownership, gaming motivations, and primary/secondary control on online game addiction,” Decision Support Systems, Volume 144, May 2021.

Joana Gaia, G Lawrence Sanders, Sean Patrick Sanders, Shambhu Upadhyaya, Xunyi Wang, Chul Woo Yoo, Dark Traits and Hacking Potential,  Journal of Organizational Psychology; West Palm Beach Vol. 21, Issue 3,  (2021): 23-46.

Nallan Suresh, GL Sanders, and MJ Braunscheidel, “Business Continuity Management for Supply Chains Facing Catastrophic Events,” IEEE Engineering Management Review Volume 48, Issue 3, September 2020.

Joana Gaia, Xunyi Wang, Chul Woo Yoo, and G. Lawrence Sanders, The Good News and Bad News About Incentives to Violate HIPAA: Scenario-based Questionnaire Study, JMIR Medical Informatics, Vol 8, No 7, July 2020.

GL Sanders, S Upadhyaya, X Wang, Inside the insider, IEEE Engineering Management Review Volume Issue 3, 84-91, 2019.

CW Yoo, GL Sanders, & RP Cerveny, Exploring the influence of flow and psychological ownership on security education, training and awareness effectiveness and security compliance, Decision Support Systems, Volume 108, April 2018, Pages 107-118

Mohamed Abdelhamid, Joana Gaia, & G. Lawrence Sanders, “Putting the Focus Back on the Patient: How Privacy Concerns Affect PHI Sharing Intentions, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2017 Sep; 19(9).

CW Yoo, YJ Kim, & GL Sanders, “The impact of interactivity of electronic word of mouth systems and E-Quality on decision support in the context of the e-marketplace,” Information & Management 52 (4), 2015, pp 496-505.