* Denotes publication in a School of Management target journal.
*Bar-Hava, K., Gu, F., and Lev, B. (2020). “Market evidence on investor preference for fewer directorships.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(3): 931-954.
*Dambra, M., and Gustafson, M.T. (2021). “Do the burdens to being public affect the investment and innovation of newly public firms?” Management Science: 594-616.
*Dambra, M., Gustafson, M.T., and Pisciotta, K. (2021). “What is the effect of an additional dollar of IPO proceeds?” Journal of Corporate Finance, 66, 101795.
*Dambra, M., Gustafson, M.T., and Quinn, P.J. (2020). “Tax-advantaged trust use among IPO executives: Determinants and implications for valuation and future performance.” The Accounting Review, 95 (3): 145-175.
*Gong, G., Qu, H., and Tarrant, I. 2021. “Earnings forecasts and price efficiency after earnings realizations: Reduction in information asymmetry through learning from price.” Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(1): 654-675.
*Kross, W., Lee, S. and Suk, I. (2021). “CEO turnover and accounting earnings: The role of earnings persistence.” Management Science, 67 (5): 3195-3218.
*Szerwo, B. (2021). “MD&A disclosure of critical accounting policies and financial reporting risk: Evidence from restatements.” Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.
Caban-Garcia, M., Choi, H., and Kim, M. (2020). “The effects of operating cash flow disclosure on earnings comparability, analysts' forecasts and firms’ investment decisions during the pre-IFRS era.” The British Accounting Review, 52 (4): 100883.
Khavis, J., and Krishnan, J. (2021). “Employee satisfaction in accounting firms, work-life balance and audit quality.” Auditing: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 40 (2): 161-192.
Metzger, L., and Gantman, S. (2021). “Vendor master data cleaning: A project for accounting class,” Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 1.
Szerwo, B. (2021). “Preparers and the financial reporting system,” Accounting and Business Research 51 (5): 484-507.
*Bongaerts, D., Roll, R., Rösch, D., van Dijk, M., and Yuferova, D. (2021). “How do shocks arise and spread across stock markets? A microstructure perspective.” Management Science.
*Chung, K. H., and Lee, C. (2020). “Voting methods for director election, monitoring costs and institutional ownership.” Journal of Banking and Finance 113 (April 2020).
*Chung, K. H., Lee, A. J., and Rösch, D. (2020). “Tick size, liquidity for small and large orders, and price informativeness: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot Program.” Journal of Financial Economics, 136(3), 879-899.
*Fotak, V., and Lee, H. (2020). “Public-private co-lending: Evidence from syndicated corporate loans.” Journal of Banking and Finance, 119.
*Gao, H., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Wu, C., and Dong, X. (2020). “Media coverage and the cost of debt.” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(2), 429-471.
*Hendershott, T., Livdan, D., and Rösch, D. (2020). “Asset pricing: A tale of night and day.” Journal of Financial Economics, 138(3), 635-662.
*Lin, H., Man, K., Wang, J., and Wu, C. (2020). “Price discovery and persistent arbitrage violations in credit markets.” Financial Management, 49(1), 207-233.
*Rösch, D. (2021). “The impact of arbitrage on market liquidity.” Journal of Financial Economics.
*Tao, X., and Wu, C. (2021). “Rating labels and style investing: Evidence from Moody's rating recalibration.” Financial Management.
*Wu, S. Y., and Chung, K. H. (2021). “Hedge fund activism and corporate M&A decisions.” Management Science.
Aragon, G. O., Jiang, Y., Joenvaara, J., and Tiu, C. I. (2020). “Socially responsible investments: Costs and benefits for university endowment funds." TIAA Institute Research Dialogue 165, May 2020.
Boehme, R. D., Fotak, V., and May, A. (2020). “Seasoned equity offerings and stock price crash risk.” International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies (2147-4486), 9(4), 131-146.
Brown, K. C., Tiu, C. I., and Yoeli, U. (2020). “The decision to Concentrate: Active Management, Manager Skill and Portfolio Size," Journal of Portfolio Management, 46(5), pp. 41-62.
Chen, L., Wang, J., Wu, C., and Zhu, H. (2020). “Divergent opinion, trading information and stock price co-movements.” In Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance. Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Chen, P., Kozhanov, I., Liu, P., and Wu, C. (2021). “Commercial mortgage‐backed security pricing with real estate liquidity risk.” Real Estate Economics, 49(S2), 490-525.
Chung, K. H., Kim, O., Lim, S. C., and Yang, S. (2020). “A new metric of market underreaction to earnings announcements: An empirical test.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 49 (August 2020), 517-547.
Chung K. H., Lee, C., and Shen, C. H. (2020). “Passive blockholders, informational efficiency of prices and firm value.” Review of Financial Economic 38 (July 2020), 494-512.
Cummings, M. R., Dubovsky, S. L., Ehrlich, I., Kandefer, S., Van Cleve, J., Yin, Y., ... and Youngs, M. (2020). “Preliminary assessment of a novel continuum-of-care model for young people with autism spectrum disorders.” Psychiatric Services, 71(12), 1313-1316.
Ehrlich, I., and Pei, Y. (2020). “Human capital as engine of growth: The role of knowledge transfers in promoting balanced growth within and across countries.” Asian Development Review, 37(2), 225-263.
Ehrlich, I., and Pei, Y. (2021). “Endogenous immigration, human and physical capital formation, and the immigration surplus.” Journal of Human Capital, 15(1), 34-85.
Lin, H., Tao, X., Wang, J., and Wu, C. (2020). “Credit spreads, business conditions and expected corporate bond returns.” Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(2), 20.
Lin, H., Tao, X. S., Wang, J., and Wu, C. (2020). “Further evidence of momentum in corporate bond returns.” In Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance. Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Park, H., Chung, K. H., and Kim, I. J. (2020). “Is informed trading different across investor types?” Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 49 (December 2020), 839-859. Invited.
Tiu, C. I. (2020). “Organic benchmarks for university endowments," TIAA Institute Trends and Issues, April 2020.
*Amo, L., Liao, R., Kishore, R., and Rao, H.R. “Effects of structural and trait competitiveness stimulated by points and leaderboards on user engagement and performance growth: A natural experiment with gamification in an informal learning environment.” European Journal of Information Systems 29 (6), 704-730. 2020.
*Chen, R., Gaia, J., and Rao, H.R. “An examination of the effect of recent phishing encounters on phishing susceptibility.” Decision Support Systems 133, 113287. 2020.
*Dutta, H. (2021). “A consensus algorithm for linear support vector machines.” Management Science, forthcoming.
*Dutta, H., and Gupta, A. (2021). “PNRank: Unsupervised ranking of person name entities from noisy OCR text.” Decision Support Systems, forthcoming.
*Guo, Z., Li, J., and Ramesh, R. (2020). “Scalable, adaptable and fast estimation of transient downtime in virtual infrastructures using convex decomposition and sample path randomization.” INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (2), 321-345.
*Wang, X., Abdelhamid, M., and Sanders, G. L. (2021). “Exploring the effects of psychological ownership, gaming motivations, and primary/secondary control on online game addiction.” Decision Support Systems 144, 113512.
Basile, J.L., Gaia, J., and Sanders, G.L. (2020). “Who has my data? Factors contributing to HIPAA (non) compliant behaviors.” Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 15 (2), 83-108.
Gaia, J., Sanders, G.L., Sanders, S.P., Upadhyaya, S., Wang, X., and Yoo, C.W. (2021). “Dark traits and hacking potential.” Journal of Organizational Psychology 27 (3).
Giddens, L., Amo, L.C., and Cichocki, D. (2020). “Gender bias and the impact on managerial evaluation of insider security threats.” Computers and Security 99, 102066.
Mulgund, P., Mulgund, B.P., Sharman, R., and Singh, R. (2021). “The implications of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) on healthcare organizations: Lessons learned from early compliance experiences.” Health Policy and Technology 10 (3), 100543.
Mulgund, P., Sharman, R., Anand, P., Shekhar, S., and Karadi, P. (2020). “Data quality issues with physician-rating websites: Systematic review.” Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (9), e15916.
Mulgund, P., Sharman, R., Rifkin, D., and Marrazzo, S. (2021). “Design, development and evaluation of a telemedicine platform for patients with sleep apnea (Ognomy): Design science research approach.” JMIR Formative Research 5 (7), e26059.
Ndabu, T., Mulgund, P., Sharman, R., and Singh, R. (2021). “Perceptual gaps between clinicians and technologists on health information technology-related errors in hospitals: Observational study.” JMIR Human Factors 8 (1), e21884.
Suresh, N.C., Sanders, G.L., and Braunscheidel, M.J. (2020). “Business continuity management for supply chains facing catastrophic events.” IEEE Engineering Management Review 48 (3), 129-138.
Yaraghi, N., West, D.M., Gopal, R.D., and Ramesh, R. (2020). “(How) did attack advertisements increase Affordable Care Act enrollments?” PloS One 15 (2), e0228185.
*Goswami, I., and Urminsky, O. (2021). “Don’t fear the meter: How longer time limits yield biased preferences for flat fee contracts.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 162, 42-58.
*Goswami, I., and Urminsky O. (2020). “No substitute for the real thing: The importance of in-context field experiments in fundraising.” Marketing Science, 39(6), 1052-1070.
*Kim, D. J. M., and Yoon, S. (2021). “Guilt of the Meat-Eating Consumer: When Animal Anthropomorphism leads to Healthy Meat Dish Choices,” Journal of Consumer Psychology.
*Kim, J., and Lakshmanan, A. (2021). “Do animated line graphs increase risk inferences?” Journal of Marketing Research, 58(3).
Goswami, I., and Urminsky, O. (2020). “More time, more work: How non-diagnostic time limits bias estimates of project duration and scope.” Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 994-1008
Talukdar, D., Seenivasan S., Cameron, A.J., and Sacks, G. (2020). “The association between national income and adult obesity prevalence: Empirical insights into temporal patterns and moderators of the association using 40 years of data across 147 countries.” PLOS ONE, Vol. 15(5): e0232236, 17 p.
*Jiang, F., Jiang, Z., and Kim, K.A. (2020). “Capital markets, financial institutions, and corporate finance in China.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 63, 101309.
*Lin, W.T., Chen, Y.H, and Chou, C.C. (2021). “Assessing the business values of e-commerce and information technology separately and jointly and their impacts upon U.S. firms' performance as measured by productive efficiency.” International Journal of Production Economics, 108269.
*Vedantam, A., Demirezen, E. M., and Kumar, S. (2021). “Trade‐in or sell in my P2P marketplace: A game theoretic analysis of profit and environmental impact.” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
*Vedantam, A., and Iyer, A. (2021). “Revenue sharing contracts under quality uncertainty in remanufacturing.” Production and Operations Management, 30(7), 2008-2026
*Vedantam, A., and Iyer, A. (2021). “Capacity investment under Bayesian information updates at reporting periods: Model and Application.” Production and Operations Management, forthcoming.
Ajmal, K., Suresh, N.C., and Wang, C.X. (2021). “Disruptive technologies and sustainable supply chain management: A review and cross-case analysis.” Journal of Management and Sustainability, 11 (2), 77-99.
Chou, C.C., Lee, C., Qian, Z., Tao, X., and Lin, W. (2021). “Business value of social media adoption: A comparison between the US and Taiwan.” International Journal of Management and Decision Making, forthcoming.
Chou, C.C., Lin, W., Lee, C., Qian, Z., and Tao, X. (2021). “Operational values of information technology and green initiatives: The stochastic production frontier approach.” International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, forthcoming.
Chou, C.C., Lin, W.T., Lee, C., Tao, X., and Qian, Z. (2021). “The impacts of information technology and e-commerce on operational performances: A two-stage dynamic partial adjustment approach.” Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 38 (4), 291-322.
Jhang, S.S., Cheng, C.Y., and Lin, W.T. (2021). “The impact of integrated market power on trade credit and cash holding in U.S. retail sector,” International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 197-212.
Jhang, S.S.S., Lin, W.T., and Fang, I.H. (2020). “How does firms’ integrated market power affect upstream trade credit and institutional ownership? Evidence from Taiwan.” Asia Pacific Management Review, 25 (2), 75-86.
Jiang, F., and Kim, K.A. (2020). “Corporate governance in China: A survey.” Review of Finance, 24 (4), 733-772.
Lin, W.T., and Shi, J. (2020). “Chief executive officer compensation, firm performance and strategic coopetition: A seemingly unrelated regression approach.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 41 (1), 130-144.
Minas, J.P., Simpson, N.C., and Tacheva, Z.Y. (2020). “Modeling emergency response operations: a theory building survey.” Computers and Operations Research, 119, 104921.
Minas, J.P., Simpson, N.C., and Tacheva, Z.Y. (2020). “Complete bibliographic data, cluster assignments and combined citation network of emergency response operations research extant literature.” Data in Brief, 31, 105908.
Shi, J., Lin, W.T., and Pham, N.C. (2021). “The relationships among managerial discretion, firm performance, and chief executive officer compensation: A simultaneous equations system approach.” American Business Review, 24 (1), 7.
Suresh, N.C., Sanders, G.L., and Braunscheidel, M.J. (2020). “Business continuity management for supply chains facing catastrophic events.” IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48 (3), 129-138.
Tacheva, Z.Y., Simpson, N.C., and Ivanov, A. (2020). “Examining the role of top management in corporate sustainability: Does supply chain position matter?” Sustainability, 12 (18), 7518.
Vedantam, A., and Iyer, A. (2021). “An analysis of voluntary recycled content claims under demand benefit and uncertain recycled input supply.” Operations Research Letters 48 (3), 249-256.
Wang, J., Cai, J., Yue, X., and Suresh, N.C. (2021). “Pre-positioning and real-time disaster response operations: Optimization with mobile phone location data.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 150, 102344.
Zahiri, B., and Suresh, N.C., (2021). “Hub network design for hazardous-materials transportation under uncertainty.” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 152, 102424.
Zahiri, B., Suresh, N.C., and De Jong, J. (2020). “Resilient hazardous-materials network design under uncertainty and perishability.” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 143, 106401.
*Badura, K. L., Grijalva, E., Galvin, B. M., Owens, B. P., and Joseph, D. L. (2020). “Motivation to lead: A meta-analysis and distal-proximal model of motivation and leadership.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(4), 331.
*Grijalva, E., Maynes, T. D., Badura, K. L., and Whiting, S. W. (2020). “Examining the ‘I’ in team: A longitudinal investigation of the influence of team narcissism composition on team outcomes in the NBA.” Academy of Management Journal, 63(1), 7-33.
*Hora, S., Lemoine, G.J., Xu, N., and Shalley, C. (2021). “Unlocking and closing the gender gap in creative performance: A multilevel model.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 297-312.
*Schaerer, M., Foulk, T., Du Plessis, C., Tu, M. H., and Krishnan, S. (2021). “Just because you’re powerless doesn't mean they aren't out to get you: Low power, paranoia and aggression.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 165: 1-20.
*Tu, M. H., Gilbert, E.K., and Bono, J.E. (2021). “Is beauty more than skin deep? Attractiveness, power, and nonverbal presence in evaluations of hirability.” Personnel Psychology.
Atherton, O. E., Grijalva, E., Roberts, B. W., and Robins, R. W. (2021). “Stability and change in personality traits and major life goals from college to midlife.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(5), 841-858.
Chiu C.-Y. (Chad), Balkundi P., Owens B. P., and Tesluk P. E. (2020). “Shaping positive and negative ties to improve team effectiveness: The roles of leader humility and team helping norms.” Human Relations.
Lemoine, G. J., Eva, N., Meuser, J. D., and Falotico, P. (2021). “Organizational performance with a broader focus: The case for a stakeholder approach to leadership.” Business Horizons, 64(4), 401-413.
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Wetzel, E., Grijalva, E., Robins, R. W., and Roberts, B. W. (2020). “You’re still so vain: Changes in narcissism from young adulthood to middle age.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(2), 479–496.