Release Date: April 8, 2010 This content is archived.
Lucille H. Kierejewksi
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Members of the UB community gathered April 1 in the Center for the Arts for the university’s sixth Celebration of Academic Excellence, an annual event that honors the work and achievement of students, staff and faculty in research, teaching and service.
Among the honorees was School of Management secretary Lucille H. Kierejewksi, who was one of the inaugural recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.
The festivities began in the early afternoon with a poster display in the atrium and basement featuring research and creative projects completed by UB undergraduates. For more than two hours, student researchers stood by their posters, explaining their area of study and expertise to peers and guests.
Following the formal poster presentation, President John B. Simpson kicked off an awards ceremony in the Mainstage theater by telling an audience of hundreds that while UB, like other research universities, is facing an uncertain future, “there is still much to celebrate.” The accomplishments of students and employees over the past year serve as an “inspiring reminder” of why the work of the university matters, Simpson said.
“But much more than that,” he said, “we are here to celebrate the promise that their achievements hold for the future."
Jacqueline Molik Ghosen
Assistant Dean and Director of Communications
School of Management