Release Date: April 5, 2013 This content is archived.
Thomas Ulbrich, executive director of the School of Management’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Thomas Ulbrich, executive director of the School of Management’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, will be one of eight speakers at “TEDxUniversityatBuffalo” on April 6 in 110 Knox Hall on UB’s North Campus.
TEDxUniversityatBuffalo is UB’s version of the worldwide TEDx program devoted to bringing people together to engage in the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) philosophy of promoting ideas worth sharing. The UB event’s theme is “The Health of a Society.”
Ulbrich’s talk will focus on the importance of instilling entrepreneurial thinking throughout the U.S. educational system and how building that kind of culture is key to tackling the health care crisis and other societal problems.
Jacqueline Molik Ghosen
Assistant Dean and Director of Communications
School of Management