Explore career options, research industries and companies and prepare for a job search by accessing résumé, cover letter, interviewing, networking and job search tools.
Learn more about your strengths, research your industry and prepare for a job search.
Career Development Process
Are you considering a career change? Have you been downsized, outsourced, displaced or just looking at what's out there? Whatever your situation, you can take a systematic approach to your job search.
This career assessment tool is available to School of Management alumni at a cost of $75 for 60-day access to assessment tests and interpretations.
Career Tools
Plan and manage your career with these résumé, cover letter, interviewing, networking and job search tools.
Job Market and Research Tools
Information on industries, companies and functional areas of business.
Frank L. Ciminelli Family
Career Resource Center
School of Management
University at Buffalo
308 Alfiero Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4010
Tel: 716-645-3232
Fax: 716-645-3231
Office Hours
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.