Kelsey Barbour, MPH/MBA ’17
Meet the increased demand for engaged and motivated leaders who can help reinvent the public health paradigm.
The School of Management and the School of Public Health and Health Professions offer a collaborative program leading to both the Master of Public Health in Health Services Administration (MPH) and the MBA degrees.
You may qualify for the Dawn Gideon Foundation Dawn Gideon-Huron Scholarship, awarded to women who self-identify as Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic or Native American or have demonstrated a commitment to health equity and who are pursuing a master’s degree in healthcare administration and/or business administration.
If admitted to both degree programs, you will take MBA first-year core and elective courses before enrolling in public health courses. After completing MBA year one, you will enroll in public health year one, blending in your MBA electives and capstone. You will take all public health courses in your final year.
You must apply, meet the individual admissions criteria for, and be accepted to each degree program independently. For specific program timeline and curriculum, consult with our Graduate Programs Office before applying.
Review course descriptions in the Graduate Catalog.
The School of Management practicum satisfies the MPH program requirement for a field experience. We will help place you in an appropriate venue and provide academic oversight of your activities and deliverables. The School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP) will collaborate with us to identify and evaluate appropriate venues for these experiences and develop appropriate criteria to assess your work.
Note: SPHHP electives include the following (others may be added):
To learn more about the Master in Public Health, visit the School of Public Health and Health Professions.