

Accounting is a field that deals with developing information which is useful to managers, investors and other interested parties in evaluating an entity’s financial position. As a PhD student, you will directly measure how users interact with accounting numbers as well as provide theories for accounting practice in the areas of financial and managerial accounting.


An appropriate background in accounting, finance and mathematics is assumed. Students may take MBA-level elective courses as necessary to fulfill any coursework deficiencies.

Major Requirements

First Year Second Year Third and Fourth Years

Finance and accounting seminars (MGF and MGA 700 series).

You will be required to take a series of seminars that overview accounting research with emphasis on capital markets research and current topics.


Contact Us

150 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel:  716-645-3204
Contact Admissions

Student Services
203 Alfiero Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel:  716-645-3200

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Minor in Economics

The following courses satisfy the core requirements in statistics (two courses) as well as the requirements for a minor in Economics (a grade point average of 3.0 is required in minor courses).

ECON 611 Mathematics for Economists I
ECON 613 Introduction to Econometric Theory
ECON 665 Microeconomic Theory I

Plus one course from the following:

ECON 614 Econometric Theory II
ECON 712 Econometrics: Time Series Analysis
ECON 731 Optimal Contract Theory
ECON 666 Microeconomic Theory II
MGO 797 Accounting workshops are required for one credit-hour.

Minor in Accounting

Students who want an accounting minor are expected to have an appropriate introductory-level background in financial and management accounting. (MGA 604 or equivalent)

Minor requirements may be satisfied by taking either the financial or managerial track. Course requirements are: