Improve human interaction and organizational effectiveness through research and teaching on individual, group and institutional behavior.
Focus on behavior in the organizational context, relations between individuals and organizations, the study of organizations themselves and the behavioral and social science foundations of these subjects. The related field of human resources examines the strategies and approaches used to effectively recruit, select, develop, reward and manage people.
Work with faculty who are ranked among the most productive researchers by the Academy of Management Journal, as well as by top scholarly journals within their discipline. Our faculty:
Jim Lemoine, PhD, assistant professor of organization and human resources, discusses his research in the Academy of Management Annals, on how leaders who value morality outperform their unethical peers, regardless of industry, company size or role. However, because we all define a "moral leader" differently, leaders who try to do good may face unexpected difficulties.
Organization and Human Resources Department
School of Management
University at Buffalo
280 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-3280
Fax: 716-645-2863
To speak to a faculty member, contact Emily Grijalva, PhD, associate professor, organization and human resources.
Join an intellectual community of scholars with an expansive breadth and depth of research interests, including:
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