Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Operations Management and Strategy
PhD, University of Florida
MBA, University of Florida
BFA, North Carolina School of the Arts
Simpson's interests include emergency services and emergency response, supply chain logistics, and the digital distribution of conventional instruction.
N.C. Simpson, Philip G. Hancock and Chia-Hung Chuang, "Hyper-projects and Emergent Logistics: Characterizing the Managerial Challenges of Emergency Response," forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Security Research.
N.C. Simpson and Philip G. Hancock, "The Incident Commander's Problem: Resource Allocation in the Context of Emergency Response," forthcoming in the International Journal of Service Science.
N.C. Simpson, "Modeling Residential Structure Fire Response: Exploring the Hyper-Project," Journal of Operations Management.
N.C. Simpson, "Central versus Local Multiple Stage Inventory Planning: An Analysis of Solutions," European Journal of Operational Research.
N.C. Simpson and Philip G. Hancock, "New Measures for Supply Chain Vulnerability: Characterizing the Issue of Friction in the Modelling and Practice of Procurement", in Supply Chains: Theory and Application, Vedran Kordic, Editor, ARS Publishing.
N.C. Simpson and S. Selcuk Erenguc, "Modeling Multiple Stage Manufacturing Systems with Generalized Cost and Capacity Issues", Naval Research Logistics.
N.C. Simpson, "Multiple Stage Planning Heuristics in Rolling Horizon Assembly Environments," European Journal of Operational Research.
N.C. Simpson, "Questioning the Relative Virtues of Dynamic Lot Sizing Rules," Computers and Operations Research.
N.C. Simpson and S. S. Erenguc, "Modeling the Order Picking Function in Supply Chain Management: Formulation, Experimentation, and Insights," IIE Transactions.
N.C. Simpson, "Partial Credit in Multiple-Choice Exams: Improving Large-Scale Assessment of Multiple Constituencies," International Journal of Intercultural Information Systems.
N.C. Simpson, "Asynchronous Access to Conventional Course Delivery: A Pilot Project," British Journal of Educational Technology.
Natalie Catherine Simpson
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Operations Management and Strategy
School of Management
University at Buffalo
326F Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-2443