Natalie Simpson

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
Operations Management and Strategy

  • Academic Director, Digital Access Education


PhD, University of Florida
MBA, University of Florida
BFA, North Carolina School of the Arts


Simpson's interests include emergency services and emergency response, supply chain logistics, and the digital distribution of conventional instruction.

Selected Publications (Extreme Events)

N.C. Simpson, Philip G. Hancock and Chia-Hung Chuang, "Hyper-projects and Emergent Logistics: Characterizing the Managerial Challenges of Emergency Response," forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Security Research.

N.C. Simpson and Philip G. Hancock, "The Incident Commander's Problem: Resource Allocation in the Context of Emergency Response," forthcoming in the International Journal of Service Science.

N.C. Simpson, "Modeling Residential Structure Fire Response: Exploring the Hyper-Project," Journal of Operations Management.

Selected Publications (Supply Chain)

N.C. Simpson, "Central versus Local Multiple Stage Inventory Planning: An Analysis of Solutions," European Journal of Operational Research.

N.C. Simpson and Philip G. Hancock, "New Measures for Supply Chain Vulnerability: Characterizing the Issue of Friction in the Modelling and Practice of Procurement", in Supply Chains: Theory and Application, Vedran Kordic, Editor, ARS Publishing.

N.C. Simpson and S. Selcuk Erenguc, "Modeling Multiple Stage Manufacturing Systems with Generalized Cost and Capacity Issues", Naval Research Logistics.

N.C. Simpson, "Multiple Stage Planning Heuristics in Rolling Horizon Assembly Environments," European Journal of Operational Research.

N.C. Simpson, "Questioning the Relative Virtues of Dynamic Lot Sizing Rules," Computers and Operations Research.

N.C. Simpson and S. S. Erenguc, "Modeling the Order Picking Function in Supply Chain Management: Formulation, Experimentation, and Insights," IIE Transactions.

Selected Publications (Educational Technology)

N.C. Simpson, "Partial Credit in Multiple-Choice Exams: Improving Large-Scale Assessment of Multiple Constituencies," International Journal of Intercultural Information Systems.

N.C. Simpson, "Asynchronous Access to Conventional Course Delivery: A Pilot Project," British Journal of Educational Technology.

Professional Associations

  • Decision Sciences Institute
  • The American Production and Inventory Control Society

Awards and Recognition

  • 2005 Winner, Decision Sciences Institute's Best Case Studies Award for "East Aurora Fire Department."
  • 2004 Winner, Decision Sciences Institute's National Instructional Innovation Award for "Educational Autonomation: Creating Case Study Challenges for Large Enrollment Classes"
  • 2004 Best Reviewer Award, Decision Sciences Journal
  • 2002 SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 1997 Outstanding Contribution to Teaching, School of Management, University at Buffalo
  • Winner of a Grinter Fellowship, Matherly Scholarship, and Graduate Student Teaching Award from the University of Florida

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Head, Digital Access Working Group and Academic Director of the School of Management's Digital Access Program
  • Member, Faculty Advisory Committees for UB Extreme Events Research Area and for the Center for Geohazards Studies
  • Past and 2007-2008 Member, Editorial Review Board of Decision Sciences.
  • Undergraduate Committee member, School of Management and university level
  • Faculty Advisor, Alpha Kappa Psi