International Students

Current increased scrutiny of work authorization requests necessitates all international students stay informed. F-1 and J-1 students are encouraged to visit the International Student Services (ISS) website; read the ISS email-newsletter; and as needed, present questions directly to ISS staff.

To participate in an off-campus internship, international students must obtain Curricular Practical Training (CPT) work authorization, and be registered for academic credit corresponding with their curriculum.

On this page:

Steps Required to Obtain CPT

Our program is the first step in this process for international students in the School of Management.  International students are permitted to begin an internship only after CPT is fully authorized and a new I-20 has been issued. 

  1. Log in to BizLink, and click the "Experiential Learning" tile from your home page; then click the blue "Add New" button, which takes you to the Experiential Learning Form.
  2. On the Experiential Learning Form, select "Credit Bearing Internship" and then choose the same semester (work term) as your participation in the internship. Complete the form in full, and then click submit. Please note: we do not process forms left in draft mode.
  3. Our staff will review your report for approval, and reach out to you with any questions. AFTER your internship is approved, we will email you and your internship supervisor to obtain a formal offer letter along with both of your signatures on our Management by Objectives (MBO) learning agreement.
  4. Send your offer letter and MBO to our department email address: Once received, we will complete your academic registration and reach out to you via email with your course registration and instructions for applying for CPT.


  • All students in F-1 visa status must be present in the U.S. for nine months before participating in an internship.
  • Participation in internships must align directly with the CPT start and end dates for the semester in which the internship occurs.
  • International students in the School of Management are typically limited to a maximum of two CPT requests. Additional CPT requests may be permitted only after review by IEL staff. 
  • CPT limits internship participation to a maximum of 20 hours per week during fall and spring semesters, and 20+ hours per week during the summer. Please note that some employers may limit your hours per week to 30 - 40 hours (full-time).
  • Once you have accepted an internship offer, stop interviewing with other employers. As per UB ISS policy, we are unable to switch your CPT unless there are serious circumstances that occur beyond your (or our) control.  

Earning Money

International students are able to earn both money and academic credit during a paid internship as offered by the employer. In addition to CPT, you must also secure a Social Security number (SSN) before your paid internship begins.

Students working on-campus for UB do not need CPT but still need to obtain an SSN.