Dominik Roesch

Associate Professor of Finance
University at Buffalo School of Management


Arbitrage, liquidity, international markets, market efficiency, market microstructure

Dominik Roesch is an expert on stock market efficiency and how close market prices are to fundamental values. He also can discuss how different markets work, as well as topics related to arbitrage and market liquidity, including whether arbitrage improves liquidity.


Roesch can respond to interview requests in English and German.


Dominik Roesch, PhD
Associate Professor of Finance
University at Buffalo School of Management

  • Media on deadline can reach Dominik Roesch most quickly through Jackie Ghosen in the School of Management’s Marketing and Communications Office at 716-645-2833 or If you are not a member of the media, contact information is available on the school’s directory. can be reached most quickly through Jackie Ghosen in the School of Management Communications Office at 716-645-2833 or
  • Dominik Roesch’s website