Enhance your career exploration and job search with AI
The Career Resource Center (CRC) has compiled a list of AI resources that can help you in all aspects of your career search including the development of résumés, cover letters, career research, networking and interviewing. While we encourage the use of generative AI tools, we do strongly recommend that all output created by these tools be thoroughly reviewed by you for accuracy as these tools have the ability to generate content that can be misleading or totally inaccurate.
AI tools can help you to identify specific career fields and industries you may be interested in based on various inputs. We have curated a few prompts below to help you get started in further exploring careers and industries. Prior to using these tools, you may want to determine where you are in the career development process.
A strong résumé is a critical tool for use in pursuing your career goals. To create an effective résumé, the CRC offers résumé templates and samples based on the industry standards. We also highly recommend that current students gain instant and personalized feedback with the online résumé tool, Resume AI. We encourage you to closely review the CRC Résumé Writing Guide for a detailed step-by-step approach to creating résumés. We have curated a number of AI prompts to help you develop an even stronger résumé.
A good cover letter is tailored toward a specific company and showcases your genuine interest in the role. If you use AI to create a cover letter, make sure it adheres to guidelines found in our CRC Cover Letter Guide. Please remember any content generated by AI tools or any other prompt output must be thoroughly reviewed by you as AI tools can generate content that could be misleading or completely inaccurate. Below we have curated a prompt to help you create a strong and concise cover letter.
A strong LinkedIn profile can help you build a deep network and land your first internship or job. LinkedIn has a number of resources to help you build your profile, and we have curated a few AI prompts to help you further enhance your profile.
Networking is essential for your job search and future career development. We have curated a number of prompts to help you further develop your networking skills, and we strongly recommend you visit CRC Networking Resources in addition to the below AI prompts.
We have curated a few prompts to help you prepare for your upcoming interview. These prompts can be modified to provide you specific information on your chosen field and industry, but it is extremely important that you also review the CRC Interview Guide for more general help.
Frank L. Ciminelli Family
Career Resource Center
School of Management
University at Buffalo
308 Alfiero Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4010
Tel: 716-645-3232
Fax: 716-645-3231
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.