Michael Dambra

Kenneth W. Colwell Chair of Accounting and Law
Associate Professor
Accounting and Law


PhD, Simon Business School, University of Rochester 
MSBA, Simon Business School, University of Rochester 
MBA, St. Bonaventure University
BA, St. Bonaventure University


  • Certified Public Accountant  (New York State)


Dambra and his work have been cited in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, The New York Times, Fortune, Fox Business News, USA Today and CBS News. From a policy perspective, Dambra’s research has also been referenced in Congressional testimony, Securities and Exchange Commission rules, legal blogs and by the U.S. Treasury. Current research interests include:

  • Initial public offerings
  • Accounting disclosures
  • Economic consequences of regulatory changes
  • Pensions


  • Accounting for Management Decision Making
  • Business Valuation for Accountants
  • Accounting Topics

Selected Publications

Unintended Real Effects of EDGAR: Evidence from Corporate Innovation (with Atanas Mihov and Leandro Sanz). The Accounting Review (Accepted).

Disclosure, Materiality, and the Cost of Capital: Evidence from FOMC Announcements (with Joe Weber and Mish Velikov). Management Science (Forthcoming).

Creating Visibility: Voluntary Disclosure by Private Firms Pursuing an Initial Public Offering (with Bryce Schonberger and Charles Wasley). Review of Accounting Studies (Forthcoming).

Are SPAC Revenue Forecasts Informative? (with Omri Even-Tov and Kimberlyn Munevar). The Accounting Review (2023) 98: 121 - 152.

The Economic Consequences of GASB Financial Statement Disclosure (with Jim Naughton and Omri Even-Tov). Journal of Accounting & Economics (2023) 75: 101555.

Does Sensationalism Affect Executive Compensation? Evidence from Pay Ratio Disclosure Reform (with Wonjae Chang, Bryce Schonberger, and Inho Suk). Journal of Accounting Research (2023) 61: 187 - 242.

Do the Burdens to Being Public Affect the Investment and Innovation of Newly Public Firms? (with Matt Gustafson). Management Science (2021) 67: 594-616.

What is the effect of an additional dollar of IPO proceeds? (with Matt Gustafson and Kevin Pisciotta). Journal of Corporate Finance (2021) 66: 101795.

Tax-Advantaged Trust Use Among IPO Executives: Determinants and Implications for Valuation and Future Performance (with Matt Gustafson and Phil Quinn). The Accounting Review (2020) 95 (3): 145-175.

The Consequences to Analyst Involvement in the IPO Process: Evidence Surrounding the JOBS Act (with Laura Casares Field, Matt Gustafson, and Kevin Pisciotta).  Journal of Accounting and Economics (2018) 65: 302-330.

Stakeholder Conflicts and Cash Flow Shocks: Evidence from Changes in ERISA Pension Funding Rules. The Accounting Review, (2018) 93: 131-159

The JOBS Act and IPO Volume: Evidence that Disclosure Costs Affect the IPO Decision (with Laura Casares Field and Matt Gustafson).  Journal of Financial Economics (2015) 116: 121-143.

Soft-Talk Management Cash Flow Forecasts: Bias, Quality, and Stock Price Effects (with Joanna Wu and Charles Wasley). Contemporary Accounting Research (2013) 30: 607-644.

Additional papers are available at the Social Science Research Network.