Weihong Xu

Associate Professor
Accounting and Law


PhD, Washington University, St. Louis
MS, Washington University, St. Louis
MA and BA, Zhongshan University, China


  • Introduction to Accounting II
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting I


Xu's research interests are in financial accounting/reporting and corporate governance.

Selected Publications

The role of accounting conservatism in management forecast bias, with Yan Sun, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2012

Do management earnings forecasts incorporate information in accruals?  Journal of Accounting and Economics (49), 2010

The pricing of accruals for profit and loss firms, with Nicholas Dopuch and Chandra Seethamraju, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (34), 2010

Evidence that management earnings forecasts do not fully incorporate information in prior forecast errors, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting (36), 2009

Market reactions to warnings of negative earnings surprises: further evidence, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting (35), 2008

An empirical assessment of the premium associated with meeting or beating both time-series earnings expectations and analysts' forecasts, with Nicholas Dopuch and Chandra Seethamraju, Volume 31, No. 2, 2008, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting

The influence of executive age, career horizon and incentives on pre-turnover earnings management, with Wallace Davidson, Biao Xie, and Yixi Ning, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2007, Journal of Management and Governance

IPO placement risk and the number of co-managers, with Wallace Davidson and Biao Xie, Volume 41, Issue 3, 2006, Financial Review

Market reaction to voluntary announcements of audit committee appointments: the effect of financial expertise, with Wallace Davidson and Biao Xie, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2004, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

Professional Associations

  • American Accounting Association

Teaching Experience

  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Intermediate Accounting
  • Financial Statement Analysis

Other Experience

  • Assistant Professor of Accounting, Vanderbilt University (2001-2003)