School of Management faculty are renowned for creating new knowledge and innovative ideas about management.
School of Management faculty published more than 37 articles in professional and scientific journals during the year. In addition, faculty served on the editorial review boards of more than 40 professional and scientific journals in 2008.
Largely through the efforts of Professors Raghav Rao and Winston Lin, the external grants received by the School increased by 200% in 2008 compared to the previous year.
Professor Rao in the Management Science and Systems Department received the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.
Professor Sri Devi Devvuri received 2008 Davidson Award for the Best Article in Journal of Retailing.
The following articles appeared in the most prestigious journals in the world and are listed in the UT/Dallas journal list.
Du, A., Geng, X., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R., & Whinston, A. (2008). Capacity provision networks: Foundations of markets for sharable resources in distributed computational economies. Information Systems Research, 19(2), 144-160.
Stallaert, J., Bapna, R., Das Smith, S., & Garfinkel, R. (2008). A market design for grid computing. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20, 100-111.
Wang, J., Chaudhury, A., & Rao, H. R. (2008). A value-at-risk approach to information security investment. Information Systems Research, 19(1), 106-120.
Wallenius, J., Dyer, J., Fishburn, P.,Steuer, R.,Zionts, S., Deb, K. (2008). Multiple criteria decision making, multiattribute utility theory: Recent accomplishments and what lies ahead. Management Science, 54(7), 1336-1349.
Gauri, D. K., Sudhir, K. & Talukdar, D. (2008).The temporal and spatial dimensions of price search: Insights from matching household survey and purchase data. (2008). Journal of Marketing Research, 45(2), 226-240.
Talukdar, D. (2008). Cost of being poor: Retail price and consumer price search difference across inner-city and suburban neighborhoods. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(3), 457-471.