G. James Lemoine

Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resources
University at Buffalo School of Management


Servant leadership; gender and leadership; business ethics and moral leadership; leadership and motivation; entrepreneurial leaders; creativity and innovation; managing under volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA)

James Lemoine can discuss a wide range of issues in leadership, including business ethics; how women are overcoming the stereotypical male leadership advantage; how servant leaders get ahead by focusing on employees, customers and communities for a better world; how leadership can be shared on teams; and how to be effective in a VUCA environment.

His research has been published in top journals and Harvard Business Review and cited in popular media nationally and internationally.


G. James Lemoine, PhD
Associate Professor of Organization and Human Resources
University at Buffalo School of Management

  • Media on deadline can reach James Lemoine most quickly through Jackie Ghosen in the School of Management’s Marketing and Communications Office at 716-645-2833 or mgt-pr@buffalo.edu. If you are not a member of the media, contact information is available on the school’s directory.
  • James Lemoine's website