Min-Hsuan Tu

Assistant Professor of Organization and Human Resources
University at Buffalo School of Management


Abusive leadership; power and influence; leader identity and development

In her research, Min-Hsuan Tu focuses on power, leader identity and abusive supervision in the workplace, with the ultimate goal of finding simple and helpful techniques to develop better leaders and high-quality employee relationships. She teaches organizational behavior and human resource management.


Tu can respond to interview requests in English and Chinese (Mandarin).


Min-Hsuan Tu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Organization and Human Resources
University at Buffalo School of Management

  • Media on deadline can reach Min-Hsuan Tu most quickly through Jackie Ghosen in the School of Management’s Marketing and Communications Office at 716-645-2833 or mgt-pr@buffalo.edu. If you are not a member of the media, contact information is available on the school’s directory.
  • Min-Hsuan Tu's website