Schedule School Facilities and Equipment

To schedule a room, classroom or equipment, contact the staff member responsible for that resource.

Procedures for reserving space in Jacobs or Alfiero

  • Student Clubs — all reservations must be made by email to the club’s faculty advisor who will request the space through the university’s space request system.
  • Student presentation — all reservations must be made by email to the course instructor who will request the space through the university’s space request system.

Procedures for reserving equipment in Jacobs or Alfiero

For equipment reservations, contact the department responsible for that resource at least two (2) business days in advance of pick up.

When submitting any request through email, provide following contact and request information:

  1. Contact name
  2. Telephone number
  3. Department / club
  4. Purpose of the request
  5. Event date, start and end times
Room / Equipment Size
Type Contact Contact Office
Projector NA Equipment Information Technology 144 Jacobs
Tables NA Equipment Resource Management Pick up - 119 Jacobs
Wireless Mic (classrooms) N/A Equiment Resource Management various
Wireless clicker/presenter N/A Equipment Resource Management 137 Jacobs