
Operations Management

Adjunct Faculty

Joost Vles

Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Adjunct Faculty

Richard Kim
Marshall Lindsey

Faculty Emeriti

Kenneth Kim
Associate Professor Emeritus

Harold Star
Clinical Assistant Professor Emeritus

John Thomas
Professor Emeritus

Research Spotlight

YouTube video plays in page.

Natalie Simpson examines the successful practices of professionals and organizations that routinely operate under disruption. 

Contact Us

Operations Management and Strategy Department
School of Management
University at Buffalo
326 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000

Tel:  716-645-3500
Fax: 716-645-5078

To speak to a faculty member, contact Mike Mingcheng Wei, associate professor of operations management and strategy.

Why choose UB?

"Our PhD candidates have an opportunity to learn a diverse and eclectic range of research and teaching methods from our award-winning faculty members who excel in both research and pedagogy."

Nallan Suresh, UB Distinguished Professor