Clinical Professor
Organization and Human Resources
PhD, University at Buffalo
MBA, School of Management, University at Buffalo
BS, School of Management, University at Buffalo
Siaw-Asamoah, D, Dickson, E, et. al., (in progress) Transforming Global Health: Interdisciplinary Challenges, Perspectives, and Strategies: New Media and Methods for Communicating Taboo Health Subjects
Siaw-Asamoah, D (2012). A Purposive Conversation about Advance Directives: A Grounded Theory Approach – Presented at the 40th North American Primary Care Research Group in New Orleans
Siaw-Asamoah, D. (2011). Patients Telling Lies to Physicians: Contents of Deception by Physicians and Patients in the United States - Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of North American Primary Care Research Group in Banff, Alberta, Canada
Dorothy Siaw-Asamoah
Clinical Professor
Organization and Human Resources
School of Management
University at Buffalo
250 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-3234