Associate Professor
Organization and Human Resources
PhD, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
MS, Brigham Young University
BS, Brigham Young University
“Harnessing the power of employee voice for individual and organizational effectiveness,” in Business Horizons with P. Podsakoff, N. Podsakoff, and A. Yoo, 2024.
“Examining the ‘I’ in team: A longitudinal investigation of the influence of team narcissism composition on team outcomes in the NBA,” in the Academy of Management Journal with E. Grijalva, K. Badura, and S. Whiting, 2020.
“Selecting team players: Considering the impact of contextual performance and workplace deviance on selection decisions in the National Football League,” in the Journal of Applied Psychology with S. Whiting, 2016.
"Speaking more broadly: An examination of the nature, antecedents, and consequences of an expanded set of employee voice behaviors,” in the Journal of Applied Psychology with P. Podsakoff, 2014
“Effects of message, source, and context on evaluations of employee voice behavior,” in the Journal of Applied Psychology with S. Whiting, N. Podsakoff, and P. Podsakoff, 2012
Timothy Maynes
Associate Professor
Organization and Human Resources
School of Management
University at Buffalo
280B Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-3255