Clinical Assistant Professor
Organization and Human Resources
PhD, Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland
MBA, S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
MILR, NYS School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University
BS, Binghamton University
von Krogh, G. & Kameny M. (2002) “Leap Before You Lay Off: Look for Creative Alternatives”, European Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 664-670.
Kameny, M. (2002) Commentary on feature written by Antal, A.B. & Krebsbach-Gnath, C. based on “Auf der Suche nach ‘internen Aussenseitern’”, in “Wo waeren wir ohne die Verrueckten? Zur Rolle von Aussenseitern in Wissenschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft,” eds. Antal, A.B. & Krebsbach-Gnath, C., Berlin: edition sigma, pp. 165-203, 2001), Reflections - The Society of Organizational Learning Journal, MIT Press, Vol. 4 No. 2.
Franz, M., Freudenthaler, K., Kameny, M., & Schoen, S. (2002) “Communities of Practice: The Development of the Siemens Knowledge Community Support”, case study included in the Knowledge Management Case Book: Siemens Best Practises, eds. Davenport, Thomas H. & Probst, Gilbert J.B., Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
Marla Kameny
Clinical Assistant Professor
Organization and Human Resources
School of Management
University at Buffalo
265 Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-3284