Maria Kraimer

Chair, Organization and Human Resources
Donald S. Carmichael Professor of Organizational Behavior


PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
MBA, University of Illinois at Chicago,
BS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


  • Human Resources Management
  • Performance Management and Reward Systems


  • Managing career transitions and success
  • The challenges and consequences of working globally
  • The employee-employer relationship.

Selected Publications

Fan, X., Wang, D., Wang, F., Kraimer, M.L. (2024). “When leaders are forced to stay: The indirect effects of leaders’ reluctant staying on subordinates’ performance.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45, 459-476.

Houston, L., Kraimer, M.L., & Schilpzand, P. (2023). “The motivation to be inclusive: Understanding how leaders’ diversity self-efficacy impacts leader effectiveness in racially diverse workgroups.” Group & Organization Management. Winner of the Journal’s “Best Quantitative Paper Award” in 2024.

Kraimer, M.L., Shaffer, M.A., Bolino, M.C., *Charlier, S.D., & Wurtz, O. (2022). “A Transactional stress theory of global work demands: A challenge, hindrance, or both?” Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(12), 2197-2219.

Astrove, S.L. & Kraimer, M.L. (2022). “What and how do mentors learn? The role of relationship quality and mentoring self-efficacy in mentor learning.” Personnel Psychology, 75, 485-513.

Sanders, K., Kraimer, M., *Greco, L., Morgeson, F., Shipton, H., Budhwar, P., Sun, J., & Sang, X. (2022). “Why academics attend conferences? An extended career self-management framework.” Human Resource Management Review, 32(1).

Cai, W., El Baroudi, S., Khapova, S.N., Xu, B., & Kraimer, M.L. (2022). “Career calling and team member proactivity: The roles of living out a calling and mentoring.” Applied Psychology, 71:584-611.

Seibert, S.E., *Nielsen, J.D., & Kraimer, M.L. (2021). “Awakening the entrepreneur within: Entrepreneurial identity aspiration and the role of displacing work events.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8), 1224-1238. Winner of the 2022 Best Published Paper Award from the Careers Division of the Academy of Management.

Kiazad, K., Kraimer, M.L., Seibert, S.E., & Sargent, L. (2020). “Understanding organizational embeddeness and career success: Who and what you know.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 678-693.

Greco, L., & Kraimer, M.L. (2020). “Goal-setting in the career management process: An identity theory perspective.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(1), 40-57.

Kraimer, M.L., *Greco, L., Seibert, S.E., & Sargent, L. (2019). “An investigation of academic career success: The new tempo of academic life.” Academy of Management Learning and Education, 18(2), 128-152.

Seibert, S.E., Sargent, L.D., Kraimer, M.L., & *Kiazad, K. (2017). “Linking developmental experiences to leadership effectiveness and promotability: The mediating role of leader self- efficacy and social capital.” Personnel Psychology, 70(2), 357-397.

Kraimer, M.L., Bolino, M.C., & *Mead, B. (2016). “Themes in expatriate and repatriate research over four decades: What do we know and what do we still need to learn?” Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3, 83-109. (invited article)

Shaffer, M.A., Kraimer, M.L., Chen, Y.P., & Bolino, M.C. (2012). “Choices, challenges, and career consequences of global work experiences: A review and future agenda.” Journal of Management, 38(4), 1282-1327.

Kraimer, M.L., Shaffer, M.A., Harrison, D.A., & Ren, H. (2012). “No place like home? An identity strain perspective on repatriate turnover.” Academy of Management Journal, 55(2), 399- 420.

Kraimer, M.L., Seibert, S.E., Wayne, S.J., Liden, R.C, & *Bravo, J. (2011). “Antecedents and outcomes of organizational support for development: The critical role of career opportunities.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(3), 485-500.

Reiche, S., Kraimer, M.L., Harzing, A.W.H. (2011). “Why do international assignees stay? An organizational embeddedness perspective.” Journal of International Business Studies, 42(4), 521-544. Winner of the 2012 International HR Scholarly Research Award from the HR Division of the Academy of Management.

Kraimer, M.L. & Wayne, S.J. (2004). “An examination of perceived organizational support as a multidimensional construct in the context of an expatriate assignment.” Journal of Management, 30, 209-237.

Seibert, S.E., Kraimer, M.L., & Liden, R.C. (2001). “A social capital theory of career success.” Academy of Management Journal, 44, 219-237. Winner of the Journal’s 2001 Best Paper Award.

Kraimer, M.L., Wayne, S.J., & Jaworski, R.A. (2001). “Sources of support and expatriate performance: The mediating role of expatriate adjustment.” Personnel Psychology, 54, 71-100.

Awards, Grants and Honors

  • Best Quantitative Paper Award from Group & Organization Management (for paper published in 2023; along with Lawrence Houston and Pauline Schilpzand). 2024
  • Best Published Paper Award from the Careers Division of the Academy of Management (along with Scott Seibert and Jordan Nielsen for a 2021 publication in Journal of Applied Psychology). 2022
  • International HR Scholarly Research Award from the HR Division of the Academy of Management (along with Sebastian Reiche and Anne-Wil Harzing for a 2011 publication in Journal of International Business Studies). 2012
  • Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award (recognizes achievements of an early- to mid-career scholar), Organizational Behavioral Division of the Academy of Management. 2010
  • Academy of Management Journal’s Best Paper Award (along with Scott Seibert and Bob Liden). 2001
  • Ulrich & Lake Award for Excellence in HRM Scholarship which recognizes the best article appearing in Human Resource Management that year as voted by the editorial board (along with Bob Liden and Sandy Wayne). 2001


  • Academy of Management (OB, HR, RM and Careers Divisions)
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Personnel and Human Resources Research Group

Editorial Appointments

  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Management Scientific Reports (Founding Editor), November 2021-present
  • Editor-in-Chief, Personnel Psychology, January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2019
  • Associate Editor, Personnel Psychology, July 1, 2010, to December 31, 2013
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology