Clinical Professor
PhD, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
MBA, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
BS, Marketing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saxton, Todd, M. Kim Saxton, and Michael Cloran (2019), The Titanic Effect: Successfully Navigating the Uncertainties that Sink Most Startups, Morgan James Publishing: New York.
Saxton, M. Kim, Helen Colby, Todd Saxton and Vikram Pasumarti (2024), “How or Why? The Impact of Construal-Level Theory on Vaccine Message Receptivity,” Journal of Business Research, 172.
Wesley, Curtis, Tony Kong Dejun, Connor Lubojacky, M. Kim Saxton, and Todd Saxton (2022), “Will the Startup Succeed in Your Eyes? Venture Evaluation of Resource Providers during Entrepreneurs’ Informational Signaling,” Journal of Business Venturing, 37: 5.
Saxton, Todd, Curtis Wesley, and M. Kim Saxton (2016), “Uncertainty and Social Exchange Theory: Venture Advocate Behaviors and the Emerging Enterprise,” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 10 (1): 107-125.
Alpert, Frank and M. Kim Saxton (2015), “Can Multiple New-Product Messages Attract Different Consumer Segments? Gaming Advertisements’ Interaction with Targets Affects Brand Attitudes and Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Advertising Research, 55:3, 307-321.
Saxton, M. Kim (2015), “Adding Badging to a Marketing Simulation to Increase Motivation to Learn,” Marketing Education Review, 25:1 (Spring): 53-57.
Fradd, Sandra H., Okhee Lee, Francis X. Sutman and M. Kim Saxton (2015), “Promoting Science Literacy with English Language Learners Through Instructional Materials Development: A Case Study,” Bilingual Research Journal, 25(4): 479-501.
Romito, Laura and M. Kim Saxton (2014), “Impact of Promotions on Awareness, Trial and Likelihood of Trial of New Dissolvable Tobacco,” American Journal of Health Promotion, 28:4, 251-258.
Saxton, M. Kim (2011), “Rx for Brand Consistency: Should Pharmaceutical Marketers Send Different Messages to Physician and Consumer Audiences?” Journal of Advertising Research, 51:2, 380-393.
Romito, Laura, M. Kim Saxton, Lorinda L Coan, and Arden G. Christen (2011), “Retail Promotions and Perceptions of R.J. Reynold’s Novel Dissolvable Tobacco in a U.S. Test Market”, Harm Reduction Journal, 8:10.
Saxton, M. Kim, Todd Saxton, John Steen, and Martie-Louise Verreynne (2010), “Failure to Advance: Resource Logic for Early Venture Failure,” Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation, 28:1, 15-27.
DeSarbo, Wayne, Duncan Fong, John Liechty, and M. Kim Saxton (2004), “A Hierarchical Bayesian Procedure for Two-Mode Cluster Analysis,” Psychometrika; 69:4 (Feb); 547-572.
DeSarbo, Wayne, Alexandru Degeratu, Michael Ahearne, and M. Kim Saxton (2002), “Disaggregate Market Share Response Models,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19:3, 253.
DeSarbo, Wayne, Alexandru Degeratu, Michel Wedel, and M. Kim Saxton (2001), “The Spatial Representation of Market Information,” Marketing Science, 20:4 (Fall), 426-441.
Fradd, Sandra, Ohkee Lee, Francis Sutman, and M. Kim Saxton (2002), “Materials Development Promoting Science Inquiry with English Language Learners: A Case Study,” Bilingual Research Journal, 25:4, 479-501.
Ahearne, Mike, Tom Gruen, and M. Kim Saxton (2000), “When the Product is Complex, Does the Advertisement’s Conclusion Matter?” Journal of Business Research, 48:1, 55-62.
Saxton, M. Kim (1998), “Where Do Corporate Reputations Come From?” Corporate Reputation Review, 1:4, 393-399.
Associate Editor Journal of Advertising Research
Saxton has worked with executives from many Fortune 500 and other large companies providing strategic planning and market research services. Market research services include corporate reputation measurement, brand equity assessment, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, communications effectiveness, market position analysis, competitive analysis, new product feasibility assessment, customer opinion assessment and acquisition due diligence. Key clients include:
M. Kim Saxton
Clinical Professor
School of Management
University at Buffalo
215B Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-3265
Fax: 716-645-3499