Sunyee Yoon

Associate Professor


PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
BA, Sogang University, South Korea


  • Social status and mobility
  • Cross-cultural differences
  • Materialism


  • Consumer behavior

Selected Publications

Kim, Danny JM and Sunyee Yoon (2021) “Guilt of the Meat-Eating Consumer: When Animal Anthropomorphism leads to Healthy Meat Dish Choices,” forthcoming at Journal of Consumer Psychology. Both authors equally contributed.

Yoon, Sunyee and Hyeongmin (Christian) Kim (2018) “Feeling Economically Stuck: The Effect of Perceived Economic Mobility and Socioeconomic Status on Variety Seeking,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44(5), 1141-1156.

Yoon, Sunyee and Hyeongmin (Christian) Kim (2016) “Keeping the American Dream Alive: The Interactive Effect of Perceived Economic Mobility and Materialism on Impulsive Spending,” Journal of Marketing Research, 52 (5), 759-772.

Dholakia, Utpal, Leona Tam, Sunyee Yoon, and Nancy Wong (2016) “The Ant and the Grasshopper: Understanding Personal Saving Orientation,” Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (1), 134-155

Awards, Grants and Honors

  • Jane Hampton Ausman Teaching Fellowship Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013, 2014
  • Schurch-Thompson Competitive Research Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
  • Zillman, Steenbock, and Viola Baker Competitive Research Scholarship Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012

Professional Affiliations

  • American Marketing Association
  • Association for Consumer Research
  • Society for Consumer Psychology