Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Rochester
MS, University of Rochester
MA, University of Mississippi
BBA, Fudan University, China
Johnson, G. A., Shriver, S. K., & Du, S. (2020). “Consumer privacy choice in online advertising: Who opts out and at what cost to industry?.” Marketing Science, 39(1), 33-51.
Young, A. T., & Du, S. (2009). “Did leaving the gold standard tame the business cycle? Evidence from NBER reference dates and real GNP.” Southern Economic Journal, 76(2), 310-327.
Shaoyin (Sherry) Du
Assistant Professor
School of Management
University at Buffalo
215A Jacobs Management Center
Buffalo, NY 14260-4000
Tel: 716-645-5206
Fax: 716-645-3499