Alfiero/Jacobs TV Screen Posting Request

The posting you submit here will be posted on the School of Management television screens located in Jacobs Management Center and Alfiero buildings. Submit one form for each posting.

All postings MUST be submitted at least two business days prior to the morning of the posting start date (visit start date for welcomes). Contact with questions or comments.

There are four types of postings you can request:

  1. Welcome

    • This is a general welcome to an important person who may be visiting the school. For an example, you can request a welcome for a recruiter, guest lecturer or an alumnus. If that person is a graduate of the school, please be sure to enter all of his/her degrees and degree years, visit location and purpose of the visit as well. Welcomes are posted on the date of visit only. 
  2. Announcement

    • A brief announcement consists of a title (50 characters or less),  description (200 characters or less) and audiences who should pay attention to this announcement.
  3. Event

    • Event posting consists of the title (50 characters or less), description (100 characters or less), audiences who this event is for, event date, start and end times as well as event location. Note that if this is a multi-date event it cannot be added to the school events calendar using this form.
  4. Image/File

    • To post an image, such as JPEG, GIF or PDF, PPT files, select posting type of "image/file" in the form below to upload the file. PowerPoint files (PPT, PPTX) and PDF must have only one slide/page per file. All images must be high quality (at least 1920 by 1080 pixels in size and use landscape layout) and are subject to approval at the discretion of the digital communications team.

Select posting type
