Start today. Succeed tomorrow.
Career Blueprint is a comprehensive career development program specifically tailored for UB School of Management graduate students. The program will allow you to plan, track and achieve career progress through four coexisting foundations of development: personal assessment, career market research, job readiness and conducting a job search. It also allows for sharing of career goals and tracking of progress between you and your career advisor.
The Career Blueprint is made up of several parts, which mirror your steps through the career development process.
By using these you can build your own career blueprint, understand where you are in relation to reaching your career goals, devise action steps to make progress, and be more strategic in working toward your graduate degree goal of better employment.
The four foundations of Career Blueprint listed above focus on different parts of your career development.
Career Blueprint is yours to identify and reach your individual career goals. You are the project manager building your career and it is up to you to drive this build.
Answer questions about your individual career goals, interests, skills and your career development plan.
The Blueprint is located in BizLink and is administered as surveys. Some parts are very short while others may be longer and require you to use the various career resources available to you. The questions are based on the four foundations and provide links to resources. In some cases, you may be unsure of a question...and that is expected. In fact, by understanding that you do not have the answer you will be prompted to take action.