Logos and Graphics

To promote a consistent visual presence for all departments, centers, programs and offices in the School of Management, it's important that all communications prominently display the School of Management logo and conform to the standards presented below.

In this section, you will find guidelines for usage of the various elements of the School of Management visual identity, as well as specific types of applications. These guidelines are intended to complement, not supersede, the UB visual identity guidelines. Consult the visual identity section of UB's Communications Toolbox for details.

If you have questions about our images and the guidelines regarding their use, contact the School of Management's Communications Office at mgt-pr@buffalo.edu.

Branded merchandise requires a specific trademarked version of our logo/lockup, in a vector file type. Merchandise is also subject to additional guidelines. If you are ordering merchandise with the School of Management lockup, contact the School of Management Communications Office at mgt-pr@buffalo.edu or 716-645-2833 for help with the process.

General rules for using the School of Management logo

  • The logo should be used conspicuously on all school communications except for business cards, which use the UB logo. The School of Management logo should appear on the front of printed materials and on website home pages.
    • Note: While business cards must use the UB logo, letterhead and envelopes may now use logos for UB brand extensions. To order, visit UB's stationery system.
  • The logotype must never be used without the interlocking UB.
  • The logo should not be reduced to less than one inch, or 150 pixels, wide overall. The interlocking UB in any program, center or office lockup should not be reduced to less than 0.375 inch.
  • Around the logo or lockup, leave space equal to the height of the interlocking UB.
  • When in doubt as to how to use the UB or School of Management logo, contact the Communications Office at mgt-pr@buffalo.edu.

Rules for use in print communications

When creating print publications, adhere to the general guidelines outlined in this guide. In addition, keep in mind the following:

  • The logo must appear on the front cover of all print publications that represent the School of Management and are intended for external audiences.

Rules for use in web, video and digital communications

When creating web, video or digital applications, adhere to the general guidelines outlined in this guide. In addition, keep in mind the following:

  • The School of Management logo should be displayed as frequently as possible within any electronic application.
  • Work with the appropriate size and format of the logo for the medium in which you are working.
  • The School of Management colors should be displayed prominently and accurately. Consult the Color Palette section to ensure accurate representation of school colors.

For the web

The School of Management logo should appear prominently on the first screen of any website before scrolling.

For video/multimedia

In video and multimedia applications (including YouTube, CD or PowerPoint presentations), the School of Management name and logo should appear prominently on the splash screen and should be used as a header or icon as appropriate within the application.

What not to do

  • The logo must not be altered in any way and should always be used in the proportion and configuration shown.
  • Reproportioning or rotating the logo within the logo, or including it as part of a larger image, diminishes visual impact and undermines the goal of creating a strong image.
  • Other graphics or design elements must not be placed in such a way that they interfere with the prominence of the logo. For example, the logo must never be used as a screen or printed over a photograph, patterned background or anything else that might obscure its clarity and legibility.
  • The "U" and "B" letterforms in the logo must never be used as the letters in a word. For example, uses such as UBuffalo are prohibited.
  • No painting, sketch, sculpture, rendering, drawing or other artistic interpretation or representation of the logo may be used. Such renditions distort the proportion and configuration of the logo and detract from the consistent use of official university colors.