MS Supply Chain Management Career Checklist

Start today. Succeed tomorrow.

Get Started

Here at the School of Management, your career development process starts before you even begin your first class. Use this online career checklist and calendar designed especially for MS Supply Chain Management students to get this process started. Come back to this checklist throughout your program to ensure you are staying on track with your career development. If you have questions, contact the Career Resource Center.

Read and follow the schedule outlined in each section to prepare for the job search process. This will ensure completion of CRC requirements during the MS program. And there are online tools and resources in each section to help you stay on track.


Career Deliverables
  1. Create your profile in BizLink
  2. Create, critique and revise your MS Supply Chain Management résumé using the CRC résumé template and tools. 
  3. Upload your revised résumé to BizLink by July 14, 2025.

Next Steps

As you begin your MS Supply Chain Management program, it is important to focus on your career development. After all, most of you are here to get a better job, change careers or enhance another degree. Take advantage of the career resources offered through our office and online. You can get started with the resources below.